Drawing with Natural Ink
There is a joy that I get in creating natural inks. I love the process of foraging for materials, reading historical recipes, and experimenting in the ink making process. I also have the same amount of joy in drawing with the handcrafted inks.
Go-to Ink Colors
There are many other colors in my ink library but these are the select few that I consistently use when creating with natural ink.
Charcoal. I make my charcoal ink from charred blackberry vine. Himalayan blackberries are invasive to the area I live in. I like that the eradication of plant keeps my ink library full of this color. As the ink dries it granulates to little particles. I love the visual texture it creates.
Oak Gall. This is a historical ink. In its heyday it was called common ink. As the ink oxidized it becomes darker, and I appreciate the bold and graphic lines that I can achieve.
Black Walnut. A beautiful brown ink. I collect my black walnuts from a public bike path.
Brick. I gather weathered bricks on beach walks. The color can vary depending on where you collect but mostly I get the same color. Depending on what other colors are used in a drawing the brick ink can read as orange or red.
Sappanwood . This ink is based on the historical recipe for Brazilwood ink from The Booke of Secrets. As the Brazilwood tree in endangered I utilize Sappanwood. Sappanwood contains brazilian (like Brazilwood) and has been more sustainably harvested. This ink gives a beautiful red, and the pH of the paper can change the color from red to purplish.
Marigold. Every summer I grow marigolds for their cheery nature and to use in inks/watercolor pigment. This beautiful bright yellow adds warmth to an ink drawing.
Indigo. To finish up the primary colors I utilize indigo (or Maya Blue) ink.
Drawing Process
When possible I love to create from a live specimen. You can see so much more detail and depth in person.
Ink Drawings and Paintings
I was recently asked how I use natural ink in my work. For me I utilize it the most in my sketching phase. My mindset during this time is a chance to try something out without any expectation.